Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Having A Positive Mindset

Generally, I feel really blesssed!

Life has treated me well, and though I have my fair share of challenges, I still feel that I have got more out of life than many other people.

Why is that so?

Having just attended T. Harv Eker's "Million Mind Intensive", my thoughts and thinking have become clearer.

A lot of my personal success can be attributed to a positive mental attitude. Never letting negativity get the better of me. Always looking for the positive in every situation and in every person I meet.

Achieving personal excellence and helping others to achieve more in Life have always been my Passion.

So I am starting this blog to share on the positives of this world, so that I may assist, motivate and inspire another person to be better.

Let's start this Journey together!

1 comment:

SigLapShop said...

Hi YP.. so true!
Being positive is winning half the battle already! There is always an alternative viewpoint! 8)